Work by Artist Chris Hood

Innovative Artist Chris Hood

Chris Hood originally from Atlanta has shown and worked for some time in New York. Currently we hear Chris is working out of Los Angeles. One of the things that drew us to his work is his unique approach. He allows the paint to penetrate the surface by painting on the back side of unprimed canvas. The paintings themselves have great depth to them and pull you in to a dream world full of movement and chaos. Objects, scenes, and faces emerge and submerge again as they dance across the canvas. What seems like dreams, memories, or moments in time come to the forefront only to disappear again creating a tension between the larger picture and the microcosmic. The eclectic color choices are refreshing. We look forward to seeing more from this inventive artist. To learn more about his work you can visit or you can visit

Chris Hood courtesy Lyles & King, New York
courtesy Lyles & King, New York